Sunday, February 2, 2014

7 Ways For Single People To Spend Valentine's Day

Hey! Guess what's coming up?! Valentine's Day AKA the most dreaded day of the year for every single person out there. However there is nothing wrong with being single; In fact, sometimes I think it's way less complicated or stressful. But let's face it- everyone wants someone who can make them feel special, especially on Valentine's Day, or "as long as we are a couple let's shove our love and affection into all the single peoples' faces" day. So if you are one of those single people who dread being bombarded with all these happy couples, roses, and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate everywhere you go, I took it upon myself to come up with some helpful ways to make yourself feel less lonely on V-Day!
1) Kiss your pet. Pets are always there for you when humans aren't- plus they don't come with all the drama!
2) If you don't have a pet, kiss a stuffed animal. It may seem a little crazy/embarrassing, but hey it really does make you feel less lonely!
3) Don't have a pet or a stuffed animal? No problem, at least you always have yourself. If you really want to get weird (and less lonely), stand in front of a mirror and blow kisses to yourself! After all, there is no one who understands you better than... you! For some motivation, perhaps whisper inspiring phrases to yourself as you look in the mirror.  For instance,"I am a beautiful strong woman who doesn't need a man to be happy", or "I am an independent man who is just fine on my own.", or "Those who don't want to be with me are missing out and they are just very understandably jealous of and intimidated by my amazing self."... Right?
4) If finding a substitute instead of a partner to kiss does not work, have a night out with your single friends! There's nothing like a good old girls' or guys' night to pick you up and make you realize that you aren't alone!
5) Buy romantic gifts for yourself. Go ahead on splurge on jewelry, chocolate, flowers... Anything you would want your significant other (who IS out there somewhere, probably going through the same experience as you are) to buy you on this holiday.
6) Hershey kisses. That's correct, you read that right! If you decide you still want some sort of kiss on Valentine's Day, stuff your face with the deliciousness that is... *drumroll please*... chocolate! After all, what could be better than that?! (Well, you know... besides having a special someone to actually spend Valentine's Day with...)
But anyway...
7) If you're just really not feeling great about not having someone to spend the day with, turn up the speakers, sit back, relax, and listen to the miracle worker that is... music. There's nothing more satisfying than a depressing/angry break up song to remind you how complicated and cruel the world of love can be, and why sometimes being single isn't so bad after all!

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