Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How To Take Your Crush To The Next Level

Have you ever had a crush and you just didn't know how to go about acting on your feelings? Whether you're shy, socially awkward, just unsure about the world of romance, or all of the above (like me...), I have determined some useful tips to help along the beautiful journey that is love!
1) If your crush is just someone who you don't know very well, or you're worried that they don't even notice your existence, try involving your friends! For instance, tell your crush that you and your friends are all going out for the night and ask them and maybe a few others to join along. This way it is not as obvious that you like them and definitely not as scary! Not to mention there won't be nearly as many awkward silences since your friends will be there to help spark up conversation!
-Find a hobby you both enjoy and try incorporating it into a conversation. Make small talk with your crush as much as possible, and if you discover something you both like, use it to your advantage! For instance, if you're both into basketball, offer to show your crush a few moves some time or invite them to play with you and your friends. However, always remember to NEVER lie about your interests. While it's understandable that you may want it to seem like you have tons in common with them, they'll eventually figure out the truth. Instead, just take it slow and get to know your crush more and I'm sure eventually you'll find something you both enjoy!
-Small actions go a long way. If you are walking beside your crush, even the simplest of actions can make them instantly blush! Whether it's something classic like holding the door open for them, or something a little more general like just smiling at them or making eye contact even while you're not talking, a little goes a long way!
-Be yourself. Never pretend to be someone you're not just to get their attention. If they don't like you for who you are, they aren't right for you. Besides, who knows? The part of you that you usually hide could just end up being the quality they like about you the most!
Feel free to share any other useful tips/advice you may have in the comments below. And until next time, my friends, happy crushin'! ;)

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